Monday, January 31, 2011

Too Sexy for Tweens Con't

Parents my heart cry out for you because the enemy is deceiving you to make you think putting make up on a 8yrs-12yrs is going to built their self esteem or solve their issues. It is like covering up a injury with a band-aid and not propertly treating the injury. The injury still need to be treated at the core so the healing can take place from the inside out. Lets deal with truth! Why do my daughter deal with low self esteem or other issues. Parents are you raising your children according to the word of God or fashioning them for the world.1Corinthians 6;12 Everything is permissible for me- but not everything is beneficial. So it starts out as just a little make up right! What happens if next they want to change the way they are dressing so it makes them feel better or look better.Remember everybody else is doing it and it goes on and on until they are out of control. Parent please open your eyes to really see what the enemy (devil) is doing to our little princesses, give them time to be a little girl all that other suff will come later.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Too Sexy for Tweens

Christians this is directed to You, if you are one of those parents who compromise with your children. Romans12;2 Do not conform any longer to the patten of this world. but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. So how do you  renewed your mind ? BY THE WORD OF GOD! If we continue to fashion our little girls for the world, how can we tell them not to do what everybody else is doing.. Some one stated their is so much low self esteem in the chuch. Well what is the church? Obviously we dont know what the church is, because if we did we would not put everything on the church.Hosea 4;6 My people are destroyed from a lack of knowledge. The church is your heart!.The building where you attend every sunday is to worship and praise God, and to get strength from one another. Parents it starts at home teaching our girl they are beautiful from the inside out. MTV,BET and other programs have treated our girl into thinking they must look as certain way. If a twentyone year old man come and ask you ten year old  daughter out on a date because they look pretty remember you (parents) allowed them to grow up to soon. Please let them stay innocent as long as possible, they have a life time to wear makeup and do other grow up things.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Too Sexy For Tweens

People have the world lost their mind, I was looking at Good Morning America and the subject of pre-teens wearing makeup stop me in my tracts. Parents Walmart is starting a new line of makeup for our pre-teens 8yrs-12yrs.When do we say enough is enough! Right now I want to talk to Believers or Christians who fall into the trap of the enemy. Proverbs31;30 charm is deceptive,and beauty is fleeting. The world is teaching our little girls that beauty is everything, you must be the right size or your hair should look like this or that. STOP! look what the enemy is doing to our babies.1st looking for prefection,2nd self worth, and sending all the wrong messages to our babies .If we start painting our girls faces to look like adults they attractive men who dont have a problem with messing with little girls. Let give them something to look foward to when they turn sixteen and twentyone. Just because all my friends are wearing makeup don't mean you can do the same. Parents wake up look at the standard the world is placing on your kids.Speak up and speak out for our daughters.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Their is a sound from heaven and only those who have a hear to the mouth of God can hear.Are you a sunday and wednesday believers? Is most time you spend with the Lord is 60-90 mins a week.We must waste our lives for Jesus. Tell me what you think!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Book of Life

Many believers in the body of Christ have their future of destiny planned out for them from day one. It may be through their parents or a close friend. Go to school, get good grades, plays sports or other extra activities. Then go to college to get a good paying job, get married start a family and you know the story. BUT do we ever stop and ask God what is written in the book of my life. What have you called me to do? We must seek God in prayer and fasting to find out what plans are set for my life from the beginning Psalm 139:14.Ask  the Holy Spirit to assist you. We must constanly open that book for direction to walk out your purpose. The question you may be thinking now is where do I start, the answer is through prayer and fasting and allowing Holy Spirit to teach you.
I love you